
Closest Airport to Big Sky Montana

Closest Airport to Big Sky Montana

The closest airport to Big Sky, Montana is Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport (BZN).

Total Distance:

The total distance from Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport to Big Sky depends on the specific location within Big Sky. However, the airport is located approximately 50 miles (80 kilometers) northwest of Big Sky.

Travel Time:

The travel time from Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport to Big Sky varies depending on weather conditions and traffic. On average, it takes around 1 to 1.5 hours by car to reach Big Sky from the airport.

Route Guide:

To reach Big Sky from Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport, you can follow these general directions:

  1. Upon exiting the airport, head north on Gallatin Field Rd.
  2. Continue on Gallatin Field Rd for approximately 2 miles.
  3. Turn left onto Frontage Rd.
  4. Follow Frontage Rd for about 8 miles.
  5. Merge onto I-90 W/US-191 S via the ramp to Belgrade.
  6. Continue on I-90 W/US-191 S for approximately 33 miles.
  7. Take exit 298 toward US-191 S/MT-64 W.
  8. Merge onto MT-85 S/MT-64 W and continue for about 7 miles.
  9. Turn right onto US-191 S and continue for approximately 4 miles.
  10. You will enter Big Sky.

Please note that these directions are provided as a general guide, and it’s advisable to use a GPS device or navigation app for real-time traffic updates and the most accurate route information. Additionally, road conditions in the area can vary depending on the season, so it’s recommended to check for any closures or restrictions before your trip.

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