
Closest Airport to Big Sur CA

Closest Airport to Big Sur CA

The closest airport to Big Sur, California is Monterey Regional Airport (MRY) located in Monterey.

Total Distance:

The total distance from Monterey Regional Airport to Big Sur depends on the specific location within Big Sur. However, the airport is located approximately 35 miles (56 kilometers) northwest of Big Sur.

Travel Time:

The travel time from Monterey Regional Airport to Big Sur will vary depending on traffic conditions and the exact destination within Big Sur. On average, it takes around 1 to 1.5 hours by car to reach Big Sur from the airport.

Route Guide:

To reach Big Sur from Monterey Regional Airport, you can follow these general directions:

  1. Upon exiting the airport, head southeast on Olmsted Rd toward Garden Rd.
  2. Turn left onto Garden Rd.
  3. Continue on Garden Rd for approximately 1 mile.
  4. Use the right lane to merge onto CA-68 W/Holman Hwy via the
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