
Closest Airport to Ocala Fl

Closest Airport to Ocala Fl

Ocala International Airport (OCF) serves as the closest airport to Ocala, FL. Located within the city limits, it provides convenient access to the region and serves as a gateway for travelers visiting this vibrant equestrian community in Central Florida.

Total Distance:

The distance between Ocala and Ocala International Airport is approximately 6 miles (10 kilometers), making it a short and easily accessible airport for residents and visitors alike.

Travel Time:

The travel time between Ocala and Ocala International Airport is typically around 10-15 minutes, depending on traffic conditions and your starting location within the city. The relatively short distance ensures a convenient and efficient journey.

Route Guide:

To reach Ocala International Airport from Ocala, follow these general directions:

  1. Start by heading east on FL-40 or FL-200, depending on your location within Ocala.
  2. Follow the signs for Ocala International Airport, which will direct you to turn onto SW 60th Avenue.
  3. Continue on SW 60th Avenue until you reach the airport entrance.
  4. Follow the signs for parking or drop-off locations, depending on your needs.

It’s always recommended to check for real-time traffic updates and plan your journey accordingly, especially during peak travel hours or special events when the area experiences increased traffic.


Ocala International Airport, conveniently located within the city limits, serves as the closest airport to Ocala, FL. Its proximity ensures easy access for residents and visitors, allowing them to conveniently travel to and from the region. Whether you’re visiting Ocala’s renowned horse farms, exploring the natural beauty of the nearby Ocala National Forest, or enjoying the city’s vibrant cultural scene, Ocala International Airport provides a convenient starting point for your air travel needs. With its short distance and easy accessibility, it ensures a seamless and enjoyable travel experience as you embark on your journey to Central Florida’s Horse Country.

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