
Closest Airport to Sanibel Island

Closest Airport to Sanibel Island

Southwest Florida International Airport (RSW) is the closest airport to Sanibel Island.

Total Distance:

The distance between Southwest Florida International Airport and Sanibel Island is approximately 25 miles.

Travel Time:

The travel time from Southwest Florida International Airport to Sanibel Island is about 45 minutes, depending on traffic.

Route Guide:

Here is a possible route guide to get from Southwest Florida International Airport to Sanibel Island:

  1. From the airport, take Terminal Access Road to Ben Hill Griffin Parkway.
  2. Turn left onto Ben Hill Griffin Parkway and drive for approximately 3 miles.
  3. Turn right onto Alico Road and continue for about 5 miles.
  4. Turn left onto US-41 North and drive for approximately 3 miles.
  5. Turn right onto Gladiolus Drive and continue for about 6 miles.
  6. Turn left onto Summerlin Road and continue for approximately 5 miles.
  7. Cross the Sanibel Causeway Bridge onto Sanibel Island.
  8. Turn right onto Periwinkle Way and follow the road to your destination on Sanibel Island.
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