
Closest Airport to Sequoia National Park

Closest Airport to Sequoia National Park

The closest airport to Sequoia National Park is Fresno Yosemite International Airport (FAT), which is approximately 65 miles away.

Total Distance:

The distance between Fresno Yosemite International Airport and Sequoia National Park is around 65 miles.

Travel Time:

The travel time from Fresno Yosemite International Airport to Sequoia National Park is approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes by car.

Route Guide:

To get to Sequoia National Park from Fresno Yosemite International Airport, you can follow these directions:

  1. Start by driving east on E Clinton Way toward N Peach Ave.
  2. Turn left onto N Peach Ave, and then take a slight right onto the ramp to CA-180 E/Kings Canyon Rd.
  3. Merge onto CA-180 E/Kings Canyon Rd, and then continue onto General’s Hwy.
  4. Follow General’s Hwy for approximately 30 miles until you reach the entrance to Sequoia National Park.
  5. Continue on General’s Hwy through the park to reach your destination within the park.
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