
Closest Airport to Charleston SC

Closest Airport to Charleston SC

The closest airport to Charleston SC is Charleston International Airport (CHS)

Total Distance:

The distance between Charleston to Charleston International Airport is approximately 12 miles (19 kilometers).

Travel Time:

The average travel time from Charleston, SC to Charleston International Airport is about 20 minutes, depending on traffic conditions.

Route Guide:

Here is a detailed route guide to reach Charleston International Airport from Charleston, SC:

  1. Start by heading south on the main road, which can be either US-17 S or US-52 S, depending on your location in Charleston.
  2. Continue on the road for a few miles until you reach the interchange for I-526, also known as Mark Clark Expressway. Take the exit to merge onto I-526 E (Mark Clark Expressway) heading east.
  3. Stay on I-526 E and continue for approximately 8 miles. This will take you across the Ashley River and through some suburban areas of Charleston.
  4. As you approach the airport, be prepared to take Exit 16 for International Boulevard. Look for the signs indicating the exit for Charleston International Airport.
  5. After taking Exit 16, keep left at the fork and follow the signs for Charleston International Airport. This will lead you onto International Boulevard.
  6. Continue on International Boulevard for about 2 miles. As you drive, you will pass by hotels, rental car facilities, and other airport-related establishments.
  7. After about 2 miles, you will reach Charleston International Airport, which will be on your right-hand side.

Please note that road conditions and traffic can impact the actual travel time. It is always a good idea to check for any updates regarding road closures, construction, or heavy traffic, especially during peak travel hours. You may also consider using a GPS navigation system or a reliable map app to ensure the most accurate route guidance.

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