Closest Airport to Destin FL

The closest airport to Destin, FL is the Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport (ECP).

Total Distance:

The distance from ECP to Destin is approximately 47 miles.

Travel Time:

The travel time from ECP to Destin depends on the mode of transportation you choose. It typically takes around 1-1.5 hours by car, and around 2-2.5 hours by public transportation.

Route Guide:

If you’re arriving at ECP and need to get to Destin, here’s a route guide to help guide you:

By Car:

  1. Once you arrive at ECP, head to the airport’s ground transportation area and follow the signs to the rental car companies.
  2. Rent a car from one of the rental car companies located at ECP.
  3. From ECP, take FL-85 S to US-98 W.
  4. Turn left onto US-98 W.
  5. Follow US-98 W to Destin.

By Public Transportation:

  1. Once you arrive at ECP, head to the airport’s ground transportation area and look for the Bay Town Trolley bus stop.
  2. Take Bay Town Trolley Route 30 to the Panama City Beach Transfer Station.
  3. Transfer to Bay Town Trolley Route 4 to Destin.
  4. Alternatively, you can take a taxi or ride-sharing service, such as Uber or Lyft, to get to Destin from ECP. The ride should take around 1-1.5 hours, depending on traffic conditions.
  5. Once you arrive in Destin, you can explore the many attractions, including the beautiful beaches and the numerous water sports available in the area. Enjoy your stay!
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