
Closest Airport to Flagstaff AZ

Closest Airport to Flagstaff AZ

The closest airport to Flagstaff, Arizona is Flagstaff Pulliam Airport (FLG).

Total Distance:

Flagstaff Pulliam Airport is located within Flagstaff, so the total distance will depend on the specific location within the city.

Travel Time:

The travel time from Flagstaff Pulliam Airport to downtown Flagstaff or other locations within the city will be relatively short, usually around 10-15 minutes by car.

Route Guide:

To reach downtown Flagstaff from Flagstaff Pulliam Airport, you can follow these general directions:

  1. Upon exiting the airport, head east on S Pulliam Dr.
  2. Continue on S Pulliam Dr for approximately 1 mile.
  3. Turn left onto S Milton Rd.
  4. Continue on S Milton Rd for about 3 miles.
  5. Take the exit toward Historic U.S. 66 E.
  6. Merge onto E Historic U.S. 66.
  7. Continue on E Historic U.S. 66 for approximately 1 mile, and you will enter downtown Flagstaff.

Please note that these directions are provided as a general guide, and it’s advisable to use a GPS device or navigation app for real-time traffic updates and the most accurate route information. Additionally, if you are looking for more flight options, the closest major airports are Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX) and Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport (AZA), which are both approximately 2-2.5 hours away from Flagstaff.

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