Closest Airport to Galveston Texas

The closest airport to Galveston, Texas is the William P. Hobby Airport (HOU), which is located in Houston, Texas.

Total Distance:

The distance from HOU to Galveston is approximately 42 miles.

Travel Time:

The travel time from HOU to Galveston depends on the mode of transportation you choose. It typically takes around 45-60 minutes by car and around 2-2.5 hours by public transportation.

Route Guide:

If you’re arriving at HOU and need to get to Galveston, here’s a route guide to help guide you:

By Car:

  1. Once you arrive at HOU, head to the airport’s ground transportation area and follow the signs to the rental car companies.
  2. Rent a car from one of the rental car companies located at HOU.
  3. From HOU, take I-45 S to Broadway Ave J in Galveston.
  4. Take the exit toward 61st St/West Beach from I-45 S.
  5. Merge onto Broadway Ave J.
  6. Follow Broadway Ave J to your destination in Galveston.

By Public Transportation:

  1. Once you arrive at HOU, head to the airport’s ground transportation area and look for the Houston METRO bus stop.
  2. Take the Houston METRO Route 88 bus from HOU to the Downtown Transit Center.
  3. Transfer to the Houston METRO Route 6 bus to Galveston.
  4. Alternatively, you can take a taxi or ride-sharing service, such as Uber or Lyft, to get to Galveston from HOU. The ride should take around 45-60 minutes, depending on traffic conditions.
  5. Once you arrive in Galveston, you can explore the many attractions, including the beaches, the Galveston Island Historic Pleasure Pier, and the Moody Gardens. Enjoy your stay!
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