
Closest Airport to Panama City Beach

Closest Airport to Panama City Beach

The closest airport to Panama City Beach is the Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport (ECP). ECP is located in West Bay, approximately 17 miles (27 km) northwest of Panama City Beach.

Total Distance:

The total distance between Panama City Beach and ECP airport is around 17 miles (27 km), which can be covered in approximately 20-25 minutes by car or taxi, depending on the traffic.

Travel Time:

The travel time from Panama City Beach to ECP airport is around 20-25 minutes by car or taxi, depending on the traffic. However, the actual travel time may vary depending on the mode of transportation, traffic conditions, and other factors.

Route Guide:

To reach the Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport from Panama City Beach, follow these directions:

  • Start by heading northwest on Panama City Beach Pkwy
  • Turn left onto FL-79 N
  • Turn right onto FL-388 E
  • Turn left onto FL-77 N
  • Turn right onto West Bay Pkwy
  • Turn right onto John C. Gainous Rd
  • Follow signs for the airport and continue straight ahead

These directions should take you to the airport, which is located on the right-hand side of the road.

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