
Closest Airport to San Miguel De Allende

Closest Airport to San Miguel De Allende

The closest airport to San Miguel de Allende is the Querétaro Intercontinental Airport (QRO).

Total Distance:

The distance between San Miguel de Allende and the Querétaro Intercontinental Airport is approximately 70 kilometers (43 miles).

Travel Time:

The travel time between San Miguel de Allende and the Querétaro Intercontinental Airport is about 1 hour by car, depending on traffic.

Route Guide:

To get from San Miguel de Allende to the Querétaro Intercontinental Airport by car, follow the highway 57D towards Querétaro, take the exit to the airport, and follow the signs to the airport terminal. You can also take a taxi or use a private transportation service, which can be arranged through your hotel or online in advance.

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